Saturday, May 19, 2007

The Secret: Part 1 of 3 Ways To Improve My Life.

After reading The Secret I wanted to share with you my experiences with it. I have a few things to try and test to see if the universe(Because, I am more religious I will call it God) was really giving me what I asked for. Now I will tell you some less private things I asked for that I believe with The Secret I have recieved.

I have asked for basically an improved life style overall. For example I asked for my life to be easier. I asked, visualized and believed in was possible. You see the thing is before I discovered The Secret things were hard and seldom anything good came out of it. One day I got an inspired thought to type on the internet self-improvement. My results came back with a blog on Blogger called Notes To Self and it presented to me the 80-20 Rule on that website. After reading the 80-20 Rule I realized that 80% of my problems were caused by only 20% of any given cause, I currently am experience in life. The Secret Worked that was 2 months ago and now things are becoming more easier and less stressful in my life.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Its Out Now!

This research project I have written is a collection of the Bible and The Power of The Law of Attraction. This is designed to help people see the power of right action and thought. I talk about the power of faith with the power of finding happiness. So I present to you my research project "Is It Possible To Find Happiness In Faith?"

Friday, May 11, 2007

Check The Banner Below

The Banner at the bottom of this page has a link referring to a website that pays people to post videos. It is 100% legit and legal. So click it and spread the word. Tell others by coppy the little box below it that allows you to put in that banner also. When you click the banner you see a large banner on a new windown. Ignore that one and follow the website below it. I did not see anyway of exiting out the ad but try to be patient and register if you are interested before exiting out.


I have also a new network blog it is quite essentially the same thing as this however, I am contemplating leaving this one behind in exchange for the following one on WordPress. Just check out the Contact Me Sidebar to see what I am talking about!

Thursday, May 10, 2007

My List of Events

In the coming months I hope to generate alot of traffic to my small yet effiecent grassroots network. I hope to have more videos, research papers and essays written out for you and others on the internet. I know that with the help of spreading the word can it be done. So here is a list of a few projects I hope to fulfill within the next 3 to 6 months starting now.

Research Papers and Essay's

1. Finding Happiness in Faith (Research Paper)
2. Follow-Up Essay on Video #1
3. Merging Squidoo Self-Improvement Lenses Into One Paper!
4. End-Times Video Follow Up


1. Difference between Church and Bible (Youtube- Video)
2. Talking About My Reality and The Connection To Life (YouTube- Video)
3. Talk about The Secret (YouTube- Video)
4. Talk about My High School Life Lesson's (YouTube- Video)
5. End-Times Video Mini-Documentary (YouTube- Video)
6. Religion V. No Religion [Opinion Video] (YouTube- Video)

As time goes on I will write more detailed description of each of these. I hope that you will take the time to read them and tell people about them as much effort I have taken the time to write them.

So Where Is It?

Around this time next week. Actually Wednesday the 16th of May 2007. By than it will be sent to a few writing sites and media sites for publishing! Once it is published there will be one more entry regarding "Is it possible to be Truly Happy in faith?" by this time tell everyone you know! I know I will because, there more people hear the more they want to know:

Quick Facts:


  • This research paper is approximately 5 to 7 pages long
  • This paper talks about how to find happiness in life
  • This paper offers hope for those who had lost it
  • This paper focus primarily on the positives of religion and it can be used to HELP in life!

About Me

I just wanted to share with you a part of me. These blogthings really tell the truth!

You Are 4: The Individualist
You are sensitive and intuitive, with others and yourself.
You are creative and dreamy... plus dramatic and unpredictable.

You're emotionally honest, real, and easily hurt.
Totally expressive, others always know exactly how you feel.

At Your Best: You are inspired, artistic, and introspective. You know what you're thinking, and you can communicate it well.

At Your Worst: You are melancholy, alienated, and withdrawn.

Your Fixation: Envy

Your Primary Fear: To have no identity

Your Primary Desire: To find yourself

Other Number 4's: Alanis Morisette, Johnny Depp, J.D. Salinger, Jim Morrison, and Anne Rice.